Terms and

This website is the exclusive property of SMITH LOUNGE.
The site www.smithlounge.com is published by Smith Lounge, a Private Fitness + Lifestyle Club.
Questions about this website and its contents, please contact:


62 Rue d'Abweiler,
L-3211 Bettembourg
Email: info@smithlounge.com
N° TVA LU33213879
10116388 / 0
R.C.S. Luxembourg A42422

This website was designed by:


113, avenue Gaston Diderich
L-1420 Luxembourg
Telephone: (+352) 44 61 61
Fax: (+352) 44 66 82
Email: contact@cropmark.lu
The site is hosted by Gandi.
Use of this website is subject to Luxembourg legislation and regulations and to the terms and conditions set out below. By continuing to use the website, users accept the following terms and conditions without reservation. SMITH LOUNGE reserves the right to amend the terms of use of this website at any time. SMITH LOUNGE would therefore advise all users to consult the latest version of the terms governing this website on a regular basis.


All the material made available on this website may be used subject to compliance with the applicable provisions of the Luxembourg Intellectual Property Code. The reproduction of information available on this site must not be presented as binding on SMITH LOUNGE and may in no way suggest that SMITH LOUNGE guarantees the accuracy or reliability of the information.

Accuracy of information

This website is aimed at anyone interested in the services provided by SMITH LOUNGE. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on this website. However, no guarantee can be given that all the information is correct. SMITH LOUNGE may not be held liable for any inaccurate, incomplete or erroneous information, or for any falsified or distorted information. SMITH LOUNGE reserves the right to make changes to the content of the website or to make it inaccessible.The content of the website is provided for information purposes only. SMITH LOUNGE has no control over any external websites, especially sites with hyperlinks to the SMITH LOUNGE website. SMITH LOUNGE therefore declines any responsibility for the content and accessibility of these websites. Users alone are responsible for their use of these sites.

Use of the website – Personal data & Liability

The website is free (excluding internet connection charges, which are at the user’s cost) and accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for cases of force majeure, IT failures, maintenance or problems associated with telecommunications networks.
Should this occur, SMITH LOUNGE agrees to make every effort to restore the operation and accessibility of its website as quickly as possible. SMITH LOUNGE may not be held liable for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial damage caused by use of the website, in particular associated with the interruption, cessation or malfunction of the website resulting from maintenance outage or repairs to the SMITH LOUNGE IT system, technical failures or network overload, interruptions to telecommunications networks, errors, negligence or fault on the part of suppliers or third parties, or any IT virus originating on the internet.
SMITH LOUNGE reserves the right, in connection with the services it offers, to ask for personal data from website users. Only data that are useful and necessary for the proposed services will be stored on electronic storage media or in any other form. Personal data are processed by SMITH LOUNGE in accordance with legislation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. In the performance of its services, SMITH LOUNGE may communicate the data provided to third parties. SMITH LOUNGE undertakes, without any obligation of result, to do its utmost to guarantee the security and confidentiality of user data; however, it would remind users that confidentiality of correspondence is in no way guaranteed over the internet. Users agree that their use of the website is their own responsibility. Any collection of data via the website is subject to the provisions of consumer legislation and governed by these terms and conditions.By providing their telephone number(s) or email address via the website, users authorize SMITH LOUNGE to contact them by telephone or by email.
Users agree that their access to and use of the website is their own responsibility.All internet users are responsible for taking appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by viruses or any form of piracy on the internet. SMITH LOUNGE may not be held responsible if users disseminate confidential information themselves.

Applicable legislation – jurisdiction

This website is subject to Luxembourg legislation and regulations.Luxembourg laws and regulations are exclusively applicable. The Luxembourg courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes concerning the use, interpretation or implementation of information and data on this website.

UPDATED on 13th May 2020.